The panel dedicated to the TV series “Blanca” investigates the directorial and authorial choices that have brought the super acclaimed TV series, produced by Lux Video for RAI 1, in the Ligurian territory. It depicts in a new way the city of Genoa and the nearby municipalities: from Genoa’s Old Harbor to Camogli, passing through the well-known Aquarium.
Hanging in balance between thriller and comedy, the series “Blanca” tells the story of a blind girl who works as intern and consultant for the police, a role which earned her young interpreter, Maria Chiara Giannetta, her first Nastro D’Argento.
A series that, benefiting from the advice of great artists such as Andrea Bocelli, has been able to subvert the rules of Italian series, paving the way for technologies and forms of storytelling never experienced before on TV.
The talk participants are: The actresses Maria Chiara Giannetta and Fiorenza Pieri, the actor Enzo Paci and Cristina Bolla, president of the Genova Ligura Film Commission
Moderator: The journalist Serena Savardi