
Directed byClaudine Bories, Patrice Chagnard

FIRST Screening

Cinema Ariston - Sala 2

13 May, 2022

H11:00 AM

SECOND Screening

Cinema Ariston - Sala 2

15 May, 2022

H 10:00 AM


Check out the 11 films and 10 documentaries in competition for 65 euros

Check out all the films of RIFF, including those out of competition, for 85 euros


Vedette is a cow who once was the queen of the alpine meadows. Now she’s old and in order to avoid her the humiliation of being disempowered by the younger rivals, she was given to Claudine Bories and Patrice Chagnard for an entire Summer. The two directors discovered an unexpected reality while looking after her.


Release year: 2022
Directed by Claudine Bories, Patrice Chagnard
Genre Documentary
Duration 99 minutes
Country France