Off beautiful beaches and among beautiful coral reefs lurks a deadly killer. Its thirst for blood kills thousands of people a year. It’s not sharks. It’s the government’s shark control program.
In Australia, the Queensland (QLD) and New South Wales (NSW) governments’ shark control programs use tactics and methods first established in the 1930s. Drum lines and shark nets are futile attempts to protect swimmers and surfers. The effectiveness of these archaic methods has been scientifically debunked. Not only do they represent a threat to sharks, a critically endangered species, but also to a multitude of other marine life and even, horribly, to the swimmers and surfers they are meant to protect. Envoy: Shark Cull has joined forces with Sea Shepherd, the Australian Marine Conservation Society (AMCS) and Humane Society International (HSI) to expose the lies perpetuated by the QLD and NSW governments. A documentary that follows some of the biggest names in ocean conservation. We will join them as they explore and expose this under-researched topic. We will also learn about the importance of sharks in our oceans as we uncover the longest marine cull in history.