Sons Of Denmark

Directed byUlaa Salim

FIRST Screening

Cinema Ariston, Sala 2

9 May, 2019

H11:00 AM

SECOND Screening

Cinema Ariston, Sala 1

11 May, 2019

H 8:00 PM


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Sons Of Denmark

A terrorist attack on a Danish subway creates fertile ground for the far right’s advance. A year later, the elections handed over to the government of the nationalist leader Martin Nordahl while the violent pro-Nazi group Sons of Denmark terrorized the Arab minority in the streets. The young Zakaria tries to resist and meets the mentor Ali, who drags him to a group of Islamists who plan the killing of Nordahl.

Sons Of Denmark

Release year: 2019
Directed by Ulaa Salim
Genre Drama
Duration 120 minutes
Country Denmark